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Recognize the Signs of a Baby Having Dehydration

Infants and children are prone to dehydration. When your child is dehydrated, he can't talk to you. In fact, the condition of lack of body fluids can be dangerous for him, especially if not handled properly. Come on, know the signs of a baby dehydrated here. Dehydration occurs when the body does not get enough fluid so that the performance of the body's organs is disrupted. This condition is most easily approached by babies, because their body weight is still low, plus the metabolic rate in infants is higher when compared to adults. Thus, making it sensitive if you lose fluid, even though the amount is small.

Causes and Signs of Dehydrated Babies

In addition to some of the above, babies whose immune function is still weak and developing are vulnerable to infection. When sick, the baby's body is at high risk for dehydration. Here are some other factors that can also make a baby dehydrated, namely:


Fever is a condition that often makes a baby dehydrated. When a fever occurs, excess water evaporation from the skin due to heat. Then Little will sweat a lot because the body is trying to lower its body temperature. The higher the fever experienced by the Little One, the more likely he is dehydrated.

Diarrhea and vomiting

These two conditions often occur when the gastrointestinal tract has problems, such as when being affected by gastroenteritis. When diarrhea attacks, the baby cannot absorb fluids from his intestine well, while much fluid is wasted due to constant defecation. Vomiting also drains body fluids. Both of these conditions can cause a fever, so that more fluid comes out.

Drinking less

Lack of fluids such as when not getting enough milk, can make your baby dehydrated. Some possibilities that make him refuse to drink are teething, runny nose, canker sores, or other oral diseases. This condition can make the mouth and throat painful and uncomfortable when drinking.


Hot air or wearing layers of clothing can make your child sweat a lot and make his body fluids drained. Dehydration has levels, some are mild and easy to handle, moderate, or severe. Severe dehydration can be life threatening if not treated immediately. The following are the characteristics of mild and moderate dehydration:
  • His mouth and lips look dry.
  • There are no tears when crying.
  • Looks fussy and doesn't want to play.
  • Not strong enough to suckle as usual.
  • The color of urine looks darker and the smell is more pungent than usual.
  • The diaper is dry, even though it's been used for more than 6 hours.
Whereas very severe dehydration is characterized by:
  • Cold hands and feet.
  • The body looks pale.
  • The Little One's eyes and font are visible
  • Very weak and sleepy.
  • Hard to breathe.
  • Low blood pressure.

Treat Dehydration Correctly

If not treated immediately, dehydration can harm your child. So, if you see signs that your baby is dehydrated, do the following immediately:
  • If your child has diarrhea, fever, or excessive sweating, give ASI or formula more than usual. Electrolyte drinks, such as ORS, can also be given if the baby is over 3 months old.
  • If the body fluids are reduced due to vomiting, do not immediately give him a lot of fluids at once. Try to give liquid in small amounts but often. Liquids that you can give are breast milk, formula milk, or electrolyte drinks. You can give it a spoonful of liquid every 10 minutes for several hours. After the condition looks better, give 2 spoons every 5 minutes.
  • The pain in the baby's mouth that makes him refuse to drink can be overcome by giving him medicines, such as paracetamol. This medicine can also be given to help relieve fever. This medicine can be given if the baby is over 6 months old.
Diarrhea due to infection in the baby's digestive tract is most often caused by a virus. This condition will improve by itself if treatment at home is adequate. Giving antibiotic drugs do not need to be given every time a child has diarrhea, this drug is only effective if your child has diarrhea due to a bacterial infection. Therefore, it is important to check your child's condition to the doctor to determine the cause of dehydration. In addition to the methods above, if your child is dehydrated by hot air, you can provide more fluid than usual and cool the room temperature. Provision of adequate fluids can also help reduce the temperature of the baby's body, in addition to administering medical drugs. Immediately consult your child to a pediatrician if you experience severe dehydration, or do not get better. If you experience severe dehydration, or your condition is getting weaker, then your child needs to get care and close monitoring at the hospital.


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