A blood test is an examination of a blood sample taken from a prick on the finger or through a vein in certain body parts, such as an arm using a needle. Blood test aims to detect disease, find out the function of organs, detect poisons, drugs, or certain substances, and check the overall health condition.
After the blood sample is taken, the blood sample is put into a special small bottle and then taken to the laboratory. In this place, blood samples will be examined under a microscope or tested with chemicals, depending on the type and purpose of the blood test.
Why Blood Test?
Blood flows throughout the body, acting as a medium that carries nutrients and oxygen to tissues and all cells. Blood also carries waste products back to the excretion system for disposal. Blood flow in the body affects or is affected by many medical conditions. For this reason, a blood test is one of the most common tests to do. Some other reasons why blood tests are done are as a way to monitor the activity and the severity of certain conditions. In addition, blood tests also function to check blood groups before receiving a blood transfusion, to determine the consumption of illegal drugs, and to determine the appropriate treatment for patients with certain diseases.Blood Collection Procedure
Blood sampling generally uses venipuncture techniques. Venipuncture is the process of taking blood through veins using a small needle. The procedure is as follows:- The doctor or medical officer will wrap the arm with an armrest or tourniquet. The goal is to slow down blood flow and make veins more prominent. This makes the process of taking blood easier.
- Medics identify the location of veins, then clean the area with alcohol.
- Medical personnel draw blood using needles.
- The puncture marks are closed using tape.
Different Types of Blood Tests You Need To Know
Before you do a blood test, it never hurts to know more about various types of blood tests and their functions, so you know what the purpose of the type of blood test is undertaken. The following are various types of blood tests.Complete blood test
A complete blood test or also called a complete blood count test does not actually provide a definitive diagnosis of a condition. Even so, this examination can provide important clues about health problems in you that might occur. This blood test will see the high-low hemoglobin, white blood cell count, hematocrit, and high-low number of pieces of blood (platelets).
C-reactive protein test
This blood test aims to determine the presence of inflammation. C-reactive protein (CRP) is a protein produced by the liver. If the C-reactive protein is higher than normal, it means that there is inflammation in the body.
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (blood sedimentation rate)
This blood test is done to find out how severe the inflammation is in the body. Inflammation can be caused by infection, tumors, or autoimmune diseases. This examination is done by looking at how quickly the red blood cells settle to the bottom of the test tube. The faster the red blood cells settle, the higher the level of inflammation. This test is usually done to diagnose conditions such as endocarditis, arthritis, polymyalgia rheumatica, inflammation of blood vessels (vasculitis), and Crohn's disease.
Electrolyte test
Electrolytes (minerals in the body) function to maintain a healthy balance of water content in the body, support nerve electricity, help move nutrients into the body's cells as well as waste produced out of these cells, and stabilize the levels of alkali and acid in inside the body. Changes in mineral levels in the body can be caused by various factors such as diabetes, dehydration, kidney failure, liver disease, heart problems, or currently undergoing certain medications. Electrolyte tests can also be done to assess electrolyte levels in the body after receiving therapy to treat electrolyte disturbances.
Coagulation test
This test is done to see if there are blood clotting problems, such as those experienced by sufferers of von Willebrand's disease and hemophilia. This test is done by looking at or measuring how fast the blood is clotting.
Thyroid function test
This test will test blood samples by looking at levels of thyroid hormone, triiodotironin (T3) and thyroxine (T4), and TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone). Usually this test will be done if your doctor suspects an underactive or overactive thyroid.
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay or ELISA test
This blood test is usually done to see the presence of antibodies in the body. If you have a bacterial or viral infection such as HIV, toxoplasma, or you might have an allergy, your immune system will produce specific antibodies in response to allergies or infections. This test is useful to ascertain the severity or the presence of an unusual source of exposure (allergens).
Blood gas analysis
This blood test is done to evaluate the level of acidity (pH) of blood and blood gas levels such as oxygen and carbon dioxide. Blood gas analysis is an examination by a doctor to review disorders of the body's acid base balance such as acidosis and alkalosis, to review lung function and response to oxygen therapy in the lungs, and to assess whether there are kidney disorders.
Blood test to assess the risk of heart disease
This blood test is intended to determine the risk of coronary heart disease. This test includes checking good cholesterol (HDL), bad cholesterol (LDL), and fat in the blood (triglycerides). Bad cholesterol and abnormal triglyceride levels in the blood can increase the risk of coronary heart disease. Most people are required to fast for 9-12 hours before the test is done.
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