A blood test is an examination of a blood sample taken from a prick on the finger or through a vein in certain body parts, such as an arm using a needle. Blood test aims to detect disease, find out the function of organs, detect poisons, drugs, or certain substances, and check the overall health condition. After the blood sample is taken, the blood sample is put into a special small bottle and then taken to the laboratory. In this place, blood samples will be examined under a microscope or tested with chemicals, depending on the type and purpose of the blood test. Why Blood Test? Blood flows throughout the body, acting as a medium that carries nutrients and oxygen to tissues and all cells. Blood also carries waste products back to the excretion system for disposal. Blood flow in the body affects or is affected by many medical conditions. For this reason, a blood test is one of the most common tests to do. Some other reasons why blood tests are done are as a way to monitor the ac...
Medicine does work to help cure the pain suffered. It's just that giving medicines to babies cannot be done haphazardly because improper administration can actually endanger the baby's health. Many parents panic and rush to give medicines to babies once their baby is sick. Though some health problems experienced by babies do not always need to be overcome with drugs. Conditions that may not require medication Here are some conditions that may not require administration of medication for infants: Cold Colds generally can subside on their own without medication after 1-2 weeks. According to a pediatrician, antibiotics cannot cure cold symptoms caused by a viral infection. Opinions of other experts say, over-the-counter drugs for colds may be able to relieve symptoms, but still do not cure. The right step in handling colds is getting enough rest and drinking lots of warm water. As an alternative to medicine, to relieve nasal congestion in infants, you can drip or spray s...